Revue: The Whatevers…

Late Afternoon at the Farm, Rockbridge County_14x18Oil_LynnAbbott_for Digital Portfolio“Not that I speak from want; for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am…I can do all things through Him who strengthens me,” ~ Philippians 4:11, 13

© 2017 Lynn Abbott

Necessity birthed creativity in me.

Since my parents had little money, I learned to create rather than buy stuff.

As a family, we made do with hand-me-downs, “Penny Saver” and ‘Pic-N-Save’ finds.

Most Birthdays and holidays.

I learned from Dad that there was nothing I wanted that couldn’t be constructed from whatever we had on hand.

When I came home with tales of the new toys I’d spied at school friends’ homes, Dad encouraged me to make my own.

I learned from Dad that there was nothing I wanted that couldn’t be constructed from whatever we had on hand.

Late Afternoon at the Farm, Rockbridge County_14x18Oil_LynnAbbott_for Digital PortfolioMy dad and I laughed and shared the joy of creativity together. And time with Dad was worth more than all the store-bought toys in the world.

However, somewhere along the way, I lost sight of that joy. In high school, I longed for store-bought clothing like that of my friends. And with earnings from part-time jobs, I purchased stuff.

Looking around me, I saw what others had. And I longed for more.

Don’t get me wrong. Working hard or trying to improve can be a good thing. The apostle Paul, in fact, admonishes, “Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men,” (Colossians 3:23).

But when those things draw my attention away from Abba, the “worries of the world” choke out the seed of faith, (Matthew 13:22).

When Abba and I creatively approach life together, I find peace and contentment.

That’s right. No matter how great the shopping score, you know its true: there’s always a letdown.

It’s almost inevitable. Almost.

Obviously, Madison Avenue Advertising Execs seeks to kindle a spirit of discontent in order to encourage us to buy more.

Yup. I’m preaching to myself …

And I’m acknowledging that in this world, even the most ‘perfect’ purchases eventually lose their charm.

As I reflected on this today, I made a significant connection: I realized that my interaction with my earthly dad in some respects paralleled my relationship with my heavenly Father. You see, the cure for my childish discontent was time with my dad.

Remembering this, I recognize a simple truth…

Late Afternoon at the Farm, Rockbridge County_14x18Oil_LynnAbbott_for Digital PortfolioWhen Abba and I creatively approach life together, I find peace and contentment. What I do with Him has greater value than anything I attempt to accomplish on my own.

Spending time with Abba, I discover contentment even in the midst of all my ‘whatevers.’

His grace surpasses all that you and I long for…

He leads beside still waters and restores the soul, (Psalm 23:1).

In Him, you and I shall not want. In Him is Living Water.

In His time, He graciously provides all that we need.

Without a doubt, His Grace is sufficient.Save




23 thoughts on “Revue: The Whatevers…

  1. I love your picture!!! ❤ I love the coziness of the colors, and of course the natural beauty of nature, and home. 🙂 I really like your honesty as well. Sometimes I struggle with what others have that I don't. God has really taught me just to be glad for what I have. I was just telling a friend about how my mom helped me buy some make up and face care supplies. And those products are really valuable to me, not because of the item they are, but the fact my mom helped me.


    1. Aww, thank you so much, T.R.! Your mom sounds wonderful. I am imagining that you are very close just as my mom and I were. And I think you are absolutely right. The older we get the more valuable gifts become because of the relationships they represent rather than for the items themselves. 🙂 You are truly a kindred spirit! ❤ and hugs!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. 🙂 yeah, once I was able to be more independent and grow I’ve definitely drawn closer to her. In fact, yesterday on my second blog I shared some memories involving me and her when I was a kid. If you like, I can share the link 🙂 You also are a kindred spirit. ❤ I'm so thankful for the people God has guided into my life. I never thought the blogging community and the people would be one of them. 🙂


      2. Thank you 🙂 if you wanted another memory post I have the link in the post about when my dad drove around and I considered them adventures. I’ve been thinking about making Memory Lane a series I do on Fridays.


      3. Oh, I love that! I will read it for sure. My son used to ask me, “Can we get lost, Mom? It’s always so much fun when you get lost. We have so many adventures!” Ha! I wrote a post about that somewhere. But unfortunately I think I “lost” it somewhere along the way… ha, ha, ha, ha! Just kidding. It’s somewhere in my archives. ❤ and hugs!!

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