Inspired Minute: Messy Middles & Masterpieces

A short video I created to encourage you and me:  “Messy Middles & Masterpieces” ©Lynn Abbott  | Viewing Time:  approx. 1 min.

“But Thou, O LORD, art a shield about me, My glory, and the One who lifts my head,” ~Psalm 3:3

“For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus,” ~Philippians 1:6

**To read the complete study, “Grace in the Messy Middle,” click here.

80 thoughts on “Inspired Minute: Messy Middles & Masterpieces

  1. Felt teary after watching the video. It is very encouraging.
    May God continue to pour His wisdom and love in your heart that you will continue to share with all God’s children. God bless you!


    1. Oh, Ama! You have made my entire week! I’m so glad that this video touched your heart and that you found it encouraging! That is exactly what I prayed it would be! Thank you for your prayers and for your beautiful friendship! I’m so glad I found you and your wonderful blog! ❤ ❤

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  2. I loved your video, and I read the whole writing, too. Such a beautiful way to demonstrate God’s grace to us. His grace is so amazing, Amen! I know all about messy middles, too. I had one of those myself, where God’s grace lifted me out of it, never to return there again, all glory to God! I know the power of God to transform our lives and to change ashes to beauty. I believe in miracles, for I have seen souls set free by his amazing grace. And, I am believing him for such miracles in the lives of loved ones, too.


    1. Amen!!!! Thank you for sharing your beautiful testimony, dear Sue! Your words here have put a song of praise in my heart! And your friendship means so much to me! I’m thanking God especially today for introducing me to you, your wonderful songs and blog! ❤ ❤

      P.S. Thank you with all my heart for your kind words about the video and post. Your thoughtful encouragement means more to me that you can possibly comprehend!

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    1. Oh, definitely, Steven… I can’t help but think of an old favorite song about song-writing… I’ve always related to Amy Grant’s song “It’s not a Song.” Have you heard it? Here’s a link… the music style is a bit outdated, but the lyrics really speak to me. Yup. The creative process–be it writing, art, music–always has that messy middle… that struggle… but perseverance pays off, doesn’t it? I love that you totally “get it.” God bless you greatly, my creative friend! 🙂

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      1. I hadn’t heard the Amy Grant song before. I like the lyrics, it makes me want to ask philosophical questions about what exactly constitutes a song! Haha 🙂

        Yes, I agree that perseverance pays off. And we’re always learning with each new creation. I finished recording song 6 of my music project today, I’m happy with it, it’s my favourite of the project so far 🙂

        Have a wonderful weekend! God bless you too!


  3. Thank you so much for writing ‘Grace in the Messy Middle’ – It is so honest, human and helpful, especially the line about our current condition not being our final destination…


    1. Oh, it is my pleasure… I write from my own experience, and so, in a way, I am “preaching to myself.” 😉 I’m so thankful to find that you, too, have experienced life’s messy middles. Isn’t it wonderful to know that we walk together in the Lord? God bless you greatly! So thankful to have met you here online! 🙂


  4. I know how you feel… in the past, getting mid way, I will be easily frustrated. This was because I was a perfectionist (without Christ, which is nonsense…). For many years, at the back of my mind a lie was lodged. I had the idea that if this song, this poem or this painting (yes, I paint a little) did not go the way I wanted it, I can always start afresh. I thought that I have a store of unlimited opportunities of new beginnings. That was a lie but I was afraid to confront it. In the past, I loved to deceive myself… After I became saved, I discovered that a true new beginning is found in Christ alone. To start afresh is a gift from God. On my own, I can never start anything. It has to be the work of the Holy Spirit. These days I pray with faith and patience to finish all my projects. Some I like and others I don’t. But to give glory to the One who gave me a new spirit, when I least merited it, I must apply same grace and finish my works. When I get discouraged I pray in the Spirit. Something always happens in my heart and I feel the wind blowing again over the stagnant ‘messy middle’, as you call it. May the Holy Spirit blow on you today… Feel Him! God bless you Lynn!

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    1. Amen, dearest Lia! So much wisdom in your thoughtful words here… and you so express my experience as well! And I absolutely LOVE that you paint, too! We are truly kindred spirits and soul-sisters! With each new thing I learn about you, I am more and more convinced that God has blessed me beyond all that I could have imagined when He led me to your blog! God bless you big time, my dear sister in the Lord! ❤

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  5. Wow, I love that “Grace in the Messy Middle” post! It encourages us to look beyond our present circumstances, however messy they may be at the moment, remember that life’s a journey and trust that God has it all under control and can bring something good and beautiful from it all. I needed that reminder—thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Mia! I’m so glad it resonated with you as it resonates with me! This post is particularly meaningful to me since I’ve lived through my fair share of “messy middles.” 😉 I’m so thankful that God never gives up on me! Thank you for your kind words and encouragement. It truly means the world to me! ❤ and hugs!

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    1. And once more, I am truly, truly grateful to you, Vincent! It means so much to me to know that the Biblical truth that I attempt to communicate here will spread to a wider audience because of your kindness. 🙂 May God bless you big time!


  6. I’m so glad it isn’t up to us to reach perfection, and that God doesn’t give up on us, but continues to work on us until He deems us, “Just Right.” This was a beautiful and inspiring video! I’m going to share it with my church sisters, thank you!


    1. Linda, you have made my day! Thank you with all my heart for sharing my video! I’m grateful for the opportunity to reach beyond the blogging community and to be able to share with others the encouragement that God has given me. May God bless you beyond all that you can imagine for your kindness to me this day! ❤ ❤

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      1. Oh, so wonderful! Thank you, thank you! Dunno if you know about my blog’s Facebook page, but it would make it really easy to share the video with your group in the future. You are such a blessing to me! Thank your women’s ministry ladies for me as well. You are all such dear sisters in the Lord even though I haven’t met you face-to-face! God bless you big time! ❤


  7. Your art is MAGNIFICENT!! Thank you for this uplifting piece. I watched the video and also subbed to your channel. God bless.


      1. Most welcome, Lynn. Thank you and I trust that you’re also having a great weekend! 💙💙


  8. Lynn,
    Thank you so much for this video!

    So many of the truths are lost to us when we are in the “messy middle!” This is a great reminder to focus on the perspective, big picture and not our poor, misguided earthly view. (I’m so glad you don’t toss your paintings, they’re so beautiful!).

    Hugs, my dear friend!

    Have a great weekend. ❤ 🙂 ❤



    1. Thank you so very, very much, dear Robbye! I often hesitate to put up the videos since I think people tend not to view a video because they are inundated with YouTube music videos. But I really like the variety, and the ability it gives me to merge my writing and art with music…creating one unit. It’s a little like “performance art.” 🙂 And so it means the world to me that you took the time to view the video and that you fully understand the message and Biblical truth that I hoped to communicate through it! And thank you about my paintings as well. Most of the time, I persevere because I have learned that middles are always “messy” 😉 And the middle is just that… the “middle”… It’s not over until the “fat lady sings” or in my life, until God completes His work in me on that day. 🙂 Love and huge hugs to you, dear Robbye! You are truly a wonderful and dear friend! Hope you have a beautiful weekend, too! ❤ ❤

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      1. You are so very welcome, sweet Lynn!
        I enjoy the videos for several different reasons;
        1) like you said for the variety if nothing else, 2) I get to see my wonderful blog friends, like you!, and I learn something from it, too!!
        Have a great weekend, Lynn!!
        Hugs ❤ ❤ Blessings~


      2. Neat!
        You are so very, very welcome, Lynn!
        I had a busy weekend! I wish it had been just a little more productive, though!
        Hugs and blessings, my sweet friend!


  9. Such beautiful video! Brought tears to my eyes. God is so good, so loving, so merciful, I’ve certainly had my share of messy middles, but He has never let me down.
    God has given you a precious gift. Thank you for sharing and for the encouragement.
    The Lord bless you mightily as you seek His glory and the edification of others.


    1. Oh, Crissy… you have encouraged me more than you can possibly imagine! Thank you for your honest sharing and for your kind and thoughtful words here! Yes, God is so good! Thank you for your beautiful testimony. You inspire me. ❤ and hugs!

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    1. Aww, thank you with all my heart, dear Denise! It isn’t likely that I will quit… I am like the little girl in the red shoes in Hans Christian Andersen’s story, “The Red Shoes.” Once I begin to “dance,” I cannot stop! 😉 Love and hugs to you, my wonderful friend!


  10. This is amazing Lynn. I can’t wait to read the blog post that accompanied this inspired minute.

    Even in our messy middles, God can still mold us in the masterpieces He has created us to be. Even in the middle of our storms, He remains in control.


    1. Yes, Josh! So very very true. Thank you so much for your very kind and thoughtful encouragement. Obviously, I have been able to get access to my WordPress this morning. But I’m going to add a note to my post this evening to let all my friends know about my internet issues. Thanks so much for your patience. You truly are a wonderful and gracious friend! God bless you greatly! By the way, I can’t wait to read your latest post! 🙂


  11. Love the new medium Lynn of your art work, writing and music selection all in a sweet package. The message is so needed today. I agree with your other commentators you have a beautiful gift, messy middles and all, for the finish product is beautifully illustrated. Thank you for sharing, my friend.
    Funny how our strengths is not realized until we reach that ‘messy middle’.. only with the grace of God does it come alive in us and we’re able to endure to the end (in more ways then we think). May peace always follow you, may love always surround you. You’re a beautiful soul, I’m glad to have made your acquaintance! Godspeed.


    1. Yes, yes! “For it is God who is at work in us both to will and to do His good pleasure…” is absolutely true! I so incredibly grateful that it isn’t up to me… I need only surrender to the Master Sculptor/Creator. 🙂 Thank you, thank you for your incredibly kind encouragement. You can’t even begin to comprehend how much it means to me. I’m not always sure if people watch the videos and so it is extremely wonderful to know that you not only watched it but that you enjoyed the format! Thank you for your thoughtful insight. God bless you big time! You’ve blessed me greatly today. 🙂

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    1. Thank you so very much, Robert! Your encouragement means the world to me since I so admire the variety and creativity of your blog posts. You are an inspiration to all of us! And thank you with all my heart for your thoughtful words regarding my barn painting. It’s one of my favorites. God bless you beyond all that you can imagine!

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      1. Hi, Robert! I am so very honored that you should ask! Thank you; thank you! I do have a website for my art. However, when it was redesigned last August, the host changed their format for e-commerce, and that made less compatible with selling one of a kind/original art. So since that time, I have been selling mostly through galleries. But I have been working on trying to put together prints that could be sold through the website since the e-commerce option works for selling reproductions/prints. So, hopefully, I’ll have that up and running this summer. My art website is Or you can simply visit it by clicking on the lynn abbott studios tab on my blog. Again, thank you for asking, Robert. It means the world to me that you should appreciate my paintings enough to ask about them. God bless you big time! You have blessed me greatly with your kindness today! 🙂

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      2. That’s okay whatever you decide. I’m just honored that you asked. I fully realize that the paintings might appear a bit pricey to my friends because I sell through galleries and by gallery agreement, I’m not allowed to undercut gallery prices. And since the galleries take up to 75% in commission from the sales to cover their costs (employees, buildings, health insurance, etc), they set prices that are a bit higher than perhaps individual artists might. Thank you simply for paying me such a high compliment as to express interest in my art. That alone means the world to me. 🙂

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    1. Oh, thank you with all my heart for your thoughtful encouragement, dear Trudy! You are such a wonderful friend and I truly thank God for introducing us through our blogs! Your friendship is such a blessing to me! Love and huge hugs back! ❤ ❤

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