God’s Hedges

© 2018 Lynn Abbott Studios. Used with Permission.

© 2018 Lynn Abbott

I dreamed of the Emerald Isle throughout my childhood. A truly gifted bard, my Irish grandfather ignited my imagination with his stories.

In fact, Grandpa had actually been to Cork to kiss the famed Blarney Stone. And so, during the early 1990s, I made my pilgrimage as well.

When I disembarked the English ferry and stepped on Irish soil, I carried with me my picture postcard dreams. I longed to see the rolling green hillsides that spilled down to sweeping shorelines.

With high hopes, I began my journey by car.

I was sorely disappointed. All those beautiful lanes were circumscribed by old stone walls and hedges–hedges that made it impossible to see any distant horizon from my car window.Instead of reveling in the open countryside, I saw only the road immediately before me…and the hedge.

I suppose hedges serve a purpose. Sheep and other cattle cannot wander off, and farmland is protected. Yet, it certainly frustrated the tourist in me. I couldn’t easily explore the countryside or even enjoy the view because of those verdant barriers.

Hedges do that.

And although I hate to admit it, I spent much of my journey complaining about them.

Hedges serve an important purpose.

Yet, as I have matured spiritually, I have also discovered that God often uses thorny barriers to direct my life. In fact, those exasperating and uncomfortable walls frequently protect me.

In 2002, I hit a particularly thorny patch. Skipping along a beautiful and sunny path, I thought I knew where God wished for me to go. Everything seemed pretty straightforward.

But then, I hurtled into a huge hedge.

During a routine mammogram, my physician discovered something suspicious, and ordered a needle biopsy. I agreed to the procedure although I was convinced that the physician was merely an “overly cautious idiot.”

After all, a medical scare was inconceivable. I had too many responsibilities to fulfill, and life had dealt me too many other challenges. I didn’t have time or energy for anything more. God wouldn’t ask me to face an enormous health issue on top of everything else.

I asked everyone I knew to pray, and then, wrote the whole thing off as one of those life interruptions that everyone must face.

Yup, you guessed it. The biopsy was an enormous nuisance.

That needle stopped me in my tracks. Everything about the procedure went wrong. The anesthetic didn’t take, and the techs had to make two passes to acquire the necessary tissue sample.

In fact, during the first attempt–without the benefit of working anesthetic–I literally hit the roof. Then, in the days that followed the biopsy, I ran a low-grade fever. I was not a “happy camper.”

Despite all of this, that story had a happy ending: pathology pronounced the tissue benign, and we all breathed a sigh of relief.

Needless to say, I was absolutely convinced that I had endured discomfort for naught. I stamped “idiot” on that medical file and put it away.

God often uses thorny barriers to direct my life; those exasperating and uncomfortable hedges frequently protect me.

Understandably, I avoided check-ups for some time. Five years actually. I wasn’t going to walk down that path again. I didn’t like thorny, overgrown hedges. Those scratched and hurt.

Moms, though, have a way of talking sense into their children. And my mother was no exception. In early 2007, my mother finally prevailed.

I went for an “annual” physical, and a routine mammogram soon followed. But when the radiologist asked to speak privately with me, my heart froze. I feared thorns.

Tears streamed as I begged him to allow me to skip the recommended “biopsy.” He nodded compassionately, and an MRI resolved the fear factor.

However, the results raised serious issues. The diagnosis returned– Stage III breast cancer. Even though I had initially avoided a biopsy, a pre-op biopsy was necessary.

When I arrived for the procedure, the physician looked at me and said, “I don’t know what possessed you to request an MRI, but it was the best thing you could have done.”

She explained that the mammogram revealed only the primary malignant tumor; a second, satellite malignancy was developing. The MRI had uncovered it.

Without the MRI, the satellite would not have been discovered and would have continued to grow under the medical radar. The physician concluded that the MRI had saved my life.

Would I have had an MRI without the unpleasant, needle biopsy five years prior? No. Decidedly not.

Yet, that previous, horrendous clash with painful thorns ultimately saved my life. And while I know full well from personal experience that a cancer narrative doesn’t always conclude so happily, God obviously still had plans for me here on planet earth.

That thorny patch was not what it first appeared. Again and again, I’ve found this to be true: God uses the seemingly inexplicable to redirect, and when necessary, to protect me from danger.

At times, God allows me to encounter painful thorns in order to protect me from grave danger.

Our High Priest sees the entire, sweeping life-scape, (Hebrews 4:15,16). He lovingly circumscribes our path, directing us in the way we should go (Psalm 139: 5-10). At times, He plants a hedge to prevent His sheep from wandering into danger.

Yes, indeedy… A mighty fortress is our gracious God.

The apostle Paul understood God’s hedge. Perhaps, this is why he could so readily confess, ” … for I have learned to be content in whatever the circumstances,” (Philippians 4: 11b)

In Acts 21-28, Paul’s circumstances certainly tested such faith.

Of course, Paul experienced opposition for Christ’s sake; this time, however, the opposition resulted in a dramatic detour.

At the close of his third missionary journey, Paul returned to Jerusalem. Trouble, however, met him there.

Both the Pharisees and Sadducees disputed his gospel message; they opposed Christ and so planned to arrest Paul.

With the help of an angry mob, they seized Paul and dragged him before Roman authorities that, after brief deliberation, actually inclined toward releasing Paul.

However, Paul received word that his opponents planned to ambush him. Thus, in order to avoid the lynch mob, Paul shrewdly played his trump card: he was a Roman citizen by birth and as such, he was entitled to a legal hearing in Rome.

What had appeared a nasty barrier to Paul’s missionary calling actually promoted the good news–carrying it even to the very center of the Roman empire.

In this way, Paul’s Romans 1 wish– to meet the Roman Christians–found its fulfillment through unexpected means. God used thorns to redirect Paul’s missionary journey.

That’s right. Sometimes, a crown of thorns must precede blessings; sometimes a seeming obstacle ushers in glory beyond all that we could ask or think.

But always, God’s way brings life not destruction; His grace shelters me. You might even say that hedges deliver God’s grace undercover.

And for this reason, I joyfully shout, “Yes, God is good; God is good all the time.”

“And after you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish you,” I Peter 5:10

“And we know that God causes all things to work together for good…” Romans 8:28a


148 thoughts on “God’s Hedges

  1. What an amazing story! Hedges are not always easy to accept at the time, but hindsight sometimes reveals why God allows what He does in our lives. I’m going to remember your story the next time I hit a hedge!

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Well done, Lynn. I suppose the older we get, we can look back at those painful thorns we hated so much and realize that in the long run, they were the very thing we needed. Thanks for the reminder!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I think we are often not even aware of how often God uses hedges to accomplish His will, while allowing us to experience trials that grow us without utterly destroying us. Thank you so much for sharing your private story. God is faithful.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Absolutely true, dear Linda! And if my story can help others understand how God can use something unpleasant to bring about His ultimate good in our lives, then I am truly grateful! Yes, He is so faithful! God bless you greatly, my wonderful friend! ❤ ❤

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  4. Lovely words, Lynn. So sorry you had to endure such pain with that biopsy. Thankfully God was there holding your hand. His mercy in us endured forever. We never know when we’ll encounter hedges, but we can be sure they’ve placed there for our good. Your painting ting is glorious.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Oh, when I understood how that first biopsy actually brought about events that protected me, all I could do was thank God again and again for it! But thank you so much, Kathy, for your compassion and empathy! You are such a dear and wonderful friend! And thank you for your extremely kind words about my painting. Coming from you, such encouragement means the world! Love you much! Huge hugs! ❤

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  5. Very good analogy. I’m sure God has protected me many times even when I’m not aware.
    I see you have already been nominated for a Liebster Award, but I nominated you as well, and if you’re interested in accepting the award, or sharing some answers to my questions, please check out my latest post, where I’ve listed my nominees and questions.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Aww… thank you, Candice! I am truly honored by your nomination, but I have recently made this blog an award-free zone since I am unable to keep up with additional posts, and tend to be very tardy with award posts. I felt so bad about it that it seemed best not to try to accept awards anymore. However, I will check out your post as I will be delighted to meet the other bloggers that you have nominated. Congratulations on receiving the award yourself. So well-deserved. Huge hugs! ❤

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  6. Your life stories break me up. Not just because of the content, but of the way you manage to break down the poignant parts that we all endure and can relate, to an allegory. You certainly fulfil Jesus’s expectation that we all get there: “By our testimony and the Blood of the Lamb!” Go Girl!!! X

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Aww… thank you with all my heart, Warren! Your kind words mean so very much to me! I just wish to write whatever I can to encourage others, and I’m happy if any of it resonates with even one of my friends here. You are a truly encouraging and wonderful friend. Thank you for blessing me greatly today with your thoughtful comment. God bless you big time! 🙂

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  7. Great story, Lynn. I can look back and see so many of those thorny hedges in my life that all came out for the best, although at the time they could have devastated me.

    It’s all in how much we trust God. It’s all in whether i choose to moan and complain because of the hedge, or praise Him in spite of it. My life has been grounded in Proverbs 3:5-6 more solidly now then ever before. I trust Him, I don’t try to figure it out, He’s in charge, and He will bring me through.

    Thanks for this beautiful testimony of our God’s mercy!

    Be blessed

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Amen! I knew you would completely understand this, Pete. Thank you for sharing your wisdom here! How wonderful that you also cling to Proverbs 3:5-6. Those are my life verses, and I run to them again and again. God bless you big time, my godly and talented friend!

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    1. Hi, dear Marcie! I’ve been meaning to call or text you about doing lunch… life has just been overwhelming this winter. But hopefully, I’ll be in touch soon! I hope you are doing well! You know how I feel about your writing and blog. You are incredibly talented and wise. Love you much! ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

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  8. we were fortunate when visiting Ireland to have a driver and guide who got us around much of the hedging for some magnificent unobstructed views…and in a country where the sheep outnumber the people, you’re right, hedging serves a huge purpose.

    I had a lumpectomy—which when all was said and done, was fortunately deemed benign. I can only imagine your experience Lynn–that rising sense of dread and doom—but I marvel at God’s perfect timing in all of this—as I currently wrestle with His sense of timing—your tale reminds me that He is ever present despite our wondering over His notion of time!
    Beautiful words as always Lynn, not to mention the painting!!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Aww… thank you, Julie! And yet more similar experiences that you and I share! Wow! I love it. We should have found a driver… we did it ourselves. And I’m so glad that your growth turned out to be benign! I’m thankful to God for your sake. So amazing how much you and I have in common. I definitely need to make a trip to Georgia! Love and huge hugs! ❤ ❤

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      1. You are definitely NOT alone! Although I was initially a bit apprehensive about sharing my thoughts on this, I decided to write how I truly felt and to be brutally honest. I knew I couldn’t be the only one feeling this way. Thank you for sharing your comment. Love and hugs! xoxo


  9. Oh my goodness!! I’m crying! What a story. ❤️
    Thank you for sharing these personal aspects of your life in order that it will most certainly bless and encourage others and even prompt them to go for testing.
    I love the analogy you used of how God protects us, even if He has to use pain in our lives.
    Such a great, great post Lynn and I’m so glad that you’re well and able to share your story!
    Love Hayley 😊💜

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  10. Thank you for your story.Real life is hard and God is way ahead of us. This is several months of fruitful small group material Lynn. Both inspiring and frustrating to fellow hedge fighters. We pray against hedges, try to trim them, become hedge jumpers and in general spend more energy on the hedges than in fellowship with our Lord…I’m speaking of myself mostly. Ireland does look beautiful from a plane. There is not a square piece of land to be found country side.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Ah, yes… hedges can be frustrating… especially, since I sometimes “forget” that God has it all in hand. 😉 Ireland is beautiful… even though I couldn’t see all of it for the hedges 🙂 Thank you for your thoughtful and genuine comment! It means a lot to me to know that others travel the same path! God bless you big time, Gary! 🙂

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  11. Wow what a story illustrating God’s providence, goodness, His use of difficulties and pain and hedges. You are not currently battling cancer right now are you? (I don’t think so, but have to ask, just in case).

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hi, Jim! Thank you so much! I learned so much from God during that time. He is so good. As for cancer, I finished chemo 10 years ago. And this past January, I finished the last of my post chemo therapy. I’m told I am a survivor. And it is such a wonderful miracle that God worked on my behalf since my cancer was very serious. My mother, diagnosed about the same time, graduated to heaven. That’s why I mentioned in my post that God doesn’t always heal on this side of eternity. Thank you for your thoughtful concern. I truly appreciate you and your friendship! God bless you big time!

      Liked by 5 people

  12. This is so perfect! You said: “Would I have had an MRI without the unpleasant, needle biopsy five years prior? No. Decidedly not.” And, “That’s right. Sometimes, a crown of thorns must precede blessings; sometimes a seeming obstacle ushers in glory beyond all that we could ask or think.” Amen!

    And, this is the message God gave to me today, too. The title of the blog post is “Quiet Waters,” based off the 23rd Psalm, and the message is the same as what you shared, basically, regarding how God uses difficult situations in our lives for his plans and purposes for our lives. Here is a quote from the post:

    “What seems like tragedies to us are opportunities for God to do his work in our lives. What appear to be impossible situations for us are never impossible for God to bring good out of them. When we jump ship out of fear of what lies ahead, we can miss out on so many blessings God has in store for us, and so many opportunities for us to be the Lord’s witnesses to others of his love and grace.”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, Sue… I have missed your wonderful post! I must go back and find it. I know I will love it. How wonderful that God had us both meditating on similar things this week! You are such a true sister in the Lord. I am so very grateful for you! God bless you big time, my lovely friend! ❤ ❤

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      1. I find it so encouraging when God speaks to more than one of us on the same subject the same day. It is so reaffirming for me. And, I can’t help but think that he does this as one of his many ways of binding us closer together as his children. I am also thankful for you, my sister in Christ, and the many ways he uses you to encourage me and so many others. You are a blessing from God!


      2. Oh, yes, dear Sue!! You are definitely onto something here! 😉 I do think you are absolutely correct about God drawing us closer both to Him and to one another! And I am also grateful for His blessing through your friendship! You are a treasure! ❤ and hugs!!

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  13. Lynn, I read, then re-read your amazing story! I so appreciate your open, honest thoughts and experiences. And then, I would echo so many of the comments, and amen your responses! Thank you for being you, for speaking the truth, and sharing your faith!! And so glad you counted a survivor! You are a survivor pointing to the Saviour! Keep pointing Lynn!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww, thank you with all my heart, Jeff! Your encouragement means the world to me. You have made my week!! Yes, I am so thankful to God that He choose to extend my life and heal me. And for this reason and also for all of the spiritual blessings that He has so graciously bestowed on me, I simply wish to do whatever and give whatever I can to Him for the remainder of my life! My heart simply overflows with gratitude… And then, in addition, God has blessed me with incredibly, wonderful blogging friends like you! I have so much to thank Him for. Thank you for being an awesome friend! God bless you greatly, Jeff!

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    This is my story! This is my song! Praising my Savior, all the day long!
    “Therefore, behold,
    I will hedge up your way with thorns,
    And wall her in,
    So that she cannot find her paths.
    She (Lia Leigh) will chase her lovers,
    But not overtake them;
    Yes, she (Lia Leigh) will seek them, but not find them.
    Then she (Lia Leigh) will say,
    ‘I will go and return to my first Husband,
    For then it was better for me than now.’ (Hos 2:6, 7)

    Painfully, I too had learned that hedges are God’s magnificent way of love for me. They blocked my way into religious spiritual adultery. Stubbornly, I complained about them blocking ‘my progress’. Then I had a glimpse of God’s ‘straight and narrow way’ of loving me. El Qanna, God is a jealous God! The hedges killed my backsliding. I came back to God. Oh, I thank God now for the many times He said: ‘No!’ to me!!!! I thank God this morning for the Hedges of love…

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  15. Amen-Amein in Christ Jesus-Yeshua Looking Up!! God Bless you in Christ Jesus-Yeshua and Your Family members and Friends!! What a Wonderful Story of Our ONE TRUE GOD and HIS SON Healing!!

    Whoops I have been putting off my Mammogram for many years now, Yikes I had better get busy here as it free for me!!

    May our ONE TRUE GOD THE FATHER who art in Heaven Above Bless all my Sisters and Brothers in Christ Jesus-Yeshua and my Messianic Jewish Sisters and Brothers in Christ Jesus-Yeshua!! God Bless you in Christ Jesus-Yeshua and Your Family members and Friends!! ❤

    I Love you all Everyone through Jesus-Yeshua Christ, because HE LOVED 💜💕 EVERYONE FIRST!!

    Love 💕 Always and Shalom ( Peace ), YSIC \o/

    Kristi Ann

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    1. Oh, Kristi! Please do not put it off…you are such a treasure. I don’t wish for you to have any difficulties. And thank you for your wonderfully uplifting comment here! Amen and amen!! God bless you big time!! ❤ ❤

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      1. Thanks so much Sister in Christ Jesus-Yeshua Lynn!! I just Called them and made an appointment!!

        I Love you all Everyone through Jesus-Yeshua Christ, because HE LOVED 💜💕 EVERYONE FIRST!!

        Love 💕 Always and Shalom ( Peace ), YSIC \o/

        Kristi Ann

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    1. Thank you, dear Lacy!! I’m sorry I haven’t been out visiting in a while… I’m quite overwhelmed with work right now, and then, with helping my son move into our basement apartment… so much to do to prepare for that… sigh. But I promise to stop by your place soon! Love and miss you and your blog! 🙂 ❤ ❤

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  16. Praise the Lord, Lynn!!!! You have been a ray of sunshine God has blessed me with and I am thankful for our friendship.

    What a powerful way to look at how He protects us. ❤ ❤ ❤

    I am going to share this on the community spotlight post. It comes out at the end of the month 🙂


    1. Aww… thank you with all my heart, dear TR! You truly are a treasure and I am thankful to God for you again and again! And wow! What an honor that you should feature this post! Thank you; thank you ahead of time! You are so good to me…

      Let me encourage you… I noticed that you mentioned in today’s post (I think) about being concerned about not getting to blogs to visit or comment…dear TR, please don’t worry about that. After a while, with as many followers as you have, you will need to be content to just spend a designated amount of time each day on comments regardless as to whether you get to everyone because quite frankly, it will become impossible to get to everyone’s posts and still keep up with your writing… and the choice will become between being a blog reader or a blog writer… so please don’t worry… just pace yourself and we’ll all understand! I wish for you to take care of you, and to keep blogging… I don’t want for you to burn out! So please do take care of you!! Love and hugs!! ❤ ❤

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      1. Thank you so much!!! This really and truly is an encouragement to me because I decided to take a few days off from blogging and writing. I’ve never taken a break really, except for a day, of not having a post, but I would still write that day. Not through the holidays, not ever. And I think I just need to take a few days of relaxing, aside from the weekend when I try to relax, but then I have house chores that have pushed aside, you know how it goes ❤ A lot of people have wished me to take care of myself, and I suppose this is a hint. 🙂 Thank you so much, Lynn. Yes, I've come to the realization I don't have to read everyone's posts, but I do try to read any and all that stand out to me, and to reach out to those bloggers especially that I've connected to, like yourself. God has blessed me with this community, and I feel bad for taking a break, even a short one. I want Him to be glorified through the writing, and I want others to be guided and encouraged.

        But I know Jesus rested as well, and He is my example. ❤

        Again, thanks!!!


      2. Good for you, dear TR!! You deserve to take a break!! And God would definitely wish you to do so! Praying that you feel completely refreshed as a result and that God floods you with His strength and peace for the days, weeks and year ahead! Love you!! ❤ ❤

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      3. Thank you so much, Lynn!!! I lasted two days without writing a post again 🙂 this whole experience has really shown me how God has writing not only for others, but myself as well.

        But I’ve been working on priorities and what needs to take a step back. 🙂


      4. Good for you, TR! I’ve been praying over similar things, and God is so good and provides direction when we ask! In fact, I’m going to be posting about that very subject tomorrow. 🙂 Love, hugs and prayers for you, dear friend! ❤ ❤

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      5. I decided to put that post on hold because I forgot I had something for Palm Sunday :-/ Oops…It has been that kind of week :-/ But I’ll post it the week after Easter Sunday; in the meantime, I’m going to give my readers a lighter week this week. It’s Easter week…everyone should spend tine in the Word, with God and with their families! You all don’t need to be trying to keep up with my blog posts 😉 Love and huge hugs to you, dear TR. ❤ ❤

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      6. 🙂 well, I love your blog, Lynn!!! So yours is definitely one I keep up to date with. I think it’s really great you are thinking of giving a break this week with wanting others to spend time with God.

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      7. After tonight, I’ll just post short stuff for the week. 🙂 I just don’t want people reading lengthy blog posts from me when they could be spending time with God and family 🙂 Thank you so much for making me one of your regular stops, dear TR! I know you have so many bloggers that follow your amazing blog, and thus, you could choose to read so many other bloggers’ posts…and so, it means the world to me that you should choose to read here! I am truly honored! Love you much!! ❤ ❤

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      8. I think that’s awesome you want to encourage people to spend time with God ❤

        I look at this week slightly different. I feel with Easter approaching there may be a need for others to want outreach, understanding, guidance, and focus. Sometimes people only go to church on holidays and sometimes that is what it takes, that one sermon to help a person look at their heart, and desire more. This week I want to focus on Christ, and my Thursday post will be focused on when we feel distant from Christ. ❤

        I hope it speaks to people. God has been giving me insight the past week on this post and I believe He wants it written. 🙂

        I feel like there's the blogging community, which I am so thankful for, and then I have a blogging family God has given me. I consider you to be part of that family ❤ 🙂 and I'm grateful for this family He has given me.


      9. Oh, it’s not that I won’t be posting, T.R. Just not quite my usual fare. 😉 I’ll be writing a little shorter and more to the point posts. I’m looking forward to reading all that God has given you to write, dear TR! I love your blog and am so grateful for your friendship!! ❤ ❤

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      10. Oh I know what you mean ❤

        I meant for me…who rides the train of tangents and symbolism I don't think I'm able to do 🙂 at least for Thursday's posts haha.

        I'm so thankful for you too, Lynn!!!! ❤ Praise be to God!


      11. Aw, thanks, Lynn!!! 🙂

        Truthfully, I really do ride the wave of tangents in conversations, but when I write my posts and write tangents I try to edit and cut out the extra bits, so people can follow better. (Maybe that’s why my editing takes so long haha 😉 )


      12. Oh, I get that… I spend lots of time editing as well, but mostly because I am unaccustomed to writing short pieces… and so writing within the constraints of a blog post is difficult for me! 😉 But quite honestly, TR, I think we all follow tangents in our conversations…I just think that you are wiser than most and recognize that! 🙂 God bless you greatly, my truly thoughtful and thought-provoking friend! ❤ ❤

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      13. Oh, my heart, Lynn! ❤ Thank you so much! Like I said before, don't worry about blog length. When I looked into it, there is a set amount recommended for most audiences, but when you look at your audience, why you are writing, and what the purpose of each post is 🙂 follow what God tells you.


  17. WOW, Lynn! I love how you take your trials (and praises) and turn them into such beautiful Biblical analogies. Thank you!
    I am so glad you are here and healthy. You have made my life, and that of so many others, richerfor knowing you!


      1. Aww, Lynn. You always lift my spirits so much. Thank you for that my dear friend!
        You are right, our trials should definitely be fodder for stories of God’s goodness!
        Have a great weekend!!

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      2. Thank you, Lynn! I hope to have it set up and running by the end of next week(I actually was shooting for this week, but have had a few health setbacks 😦 – I’ll get there, slowly, but surely!)


      3. Thank you, Lynn! I’m in that just barely feeling better state 😦
        I’m grateful and amazed at the success! (It’s a LOOOOOOOOOOT of work, too!)
        Most days, I enjoy it. I LOVE all the wonderful friends, like you, sweet Lynn, that I have made!!!!
        Have a wonderful Easter! ❤ ❤


      4. Oh, dear… I’m so sorry… it must have been a real doozie. 😦 Hope you continue to recover and speedily! I can well imagine that the reviews are an incredible amount of work! Not only do you have to read the novels, but then you have to summarize and critique them… and you post so regularly! Wow! I’m so amazed and impressed! Hope your Easter was restful, dear Robbye! ❤ and huge hugs!!

        Liked by 1 person

      5. Thank you for all the kind, sweet words, Lynn!
        Easter was restful, albeit because I forced myself to rest!
        Huge hugs to you too, my sweet friend!
        ❤ 🙂 ❤


    1. Ha, ha! You are too funny, Mitch! “Useless and unpleasant,” indeed! Not a chance. But of course, that’s what you mean … I’m just noting this to make sure all of my readers here know that you are once again exhibiting your wonderful, dry, sense of humor! Your friendship means the world to me! God bless you, my extraordinarily talented friend! 🙂


  18. I read this a couple days ago but did not have time to comment. Just that day I had been driving through a new-to-me part of this place I call home. The road ran past a large field that was sheltered the entire length by a hedge! My curious soul was dying to know what lay beyond that hedge. And then a few minutes later, while sitting in a parking lot, I read your post about hedges. How funny! But yes, hedges may be thorny (and filled with poison ivy—there’s a story), but God puts them in our lives for a purpose. Thank you for a wonderful story with a purpose. 🙂

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      1. You are too, Lynn. Meeting you someday is on my bucket list. Maybe we could do a mountain retreat together. Take in some hiking, photography, plein air painting, and writing… with some food, laughter, and rest as well. What do you say? 🙂

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  19. I’m sorry Lynn but once again I’m behind in responding to your Post Messages but I have read some of your other ones and will respond to them later today or tomorrow.

    I have indeed thorny barriers with my Health at this time, apart from my Heart problem, I have been suffering intense pain from a tooth extraction that went wrong but of course it was not God’s plan for me to suffer but He will use it for good as he has done with other things in the past.

    Yes Life Happens and with it sometimes comes Suffering and Hardship, we also reap the evil we sow which is God’s Discipline to bring us to our senses just like it did with the Prodigal Son but Wow what a Welcome Home when we Repent but yes others in their Carnal flesh hurt us too.

    Satan also puts us to the test Tempting us to Sin (James1:12-14) but God does not leave us unprotected He gives us His Strength to endure and He protects our Soul so Satan can’t Eternally separate us from Him by causing us to reject Jesus as our Lord and Saviour and to worship him instead which is giving him the power to control us to do evil.

    All good things come from God not evil, He does not Plan for us His Redeemed Children to Suffer as the Scripture below confirms and because what He has said to His Loved ones in the past He says to us today, He has no favorites and His Love never changes. But we do need to be very careful that we don’t accuse God of doing evil to bring good out of it which some claim about Believers too (Romans 3:8) but He does work everything for good in our lives because we Love Him and knowing this even before we were Born He chose us to be conformed into the image of Jesus, yes we will be Perfected in Love (1John4:17-19KJV) will we still suffer? Jesus said when we follow Him we will be Persecuted and Hated and we may even be Martyred (Luke21:16-18KJV) but we will no longer suffer from doing what is wrong ourselves because we will be Born Again and have God’s seed or Nature.(1John3:9KJV)

    Lamentations 3:33 For God doth not afflict willingly nor grieve the Children of Men. KJV

    Isaiah 43:1-3….. Fear not for I have redeemed thee I have called thee by thy Name thou art mine. When thou passest through the waters I will be with thee and through the rivers they shall not overflow thee, when thou walkest through the fire thou shalt not be burned neither shall the flame kindle upon thee. For I am the LORD thy God, the Holy One of Israel, thy Saviour….. (KJV)

    Jeremiah 29 :11-12 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of Peace and not of evil, to give you an expected end. KJV

    Psalm 145:8-10 The Lord is Gracious and full of Compassion, slow to anger and of Great Mercy. The Lord is Good to all and His Tender Mercies are over all His Works. All thy Works shall Praise Thee O Lord and thy Saints shall bless Thee. KJV

    Romans 8:28-30 And we know that all things work Together for Good to them that Love God, to them who are the called according to His Purpose. KJV

    Christian Love Lynn and God’s Blessings
    Anne (Grannie Annie)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, Anne… I have been so concerned for you! I’m so glad that you posted so that I could better pray for you! And thank you, also, for taking the time to write such a thoughtful comment here! You are a wonderful person, and I am praying for your speedy healing! God bless you greatly!! ❤ and hugs!

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  20. Wow,what a powerful post.I am glad that you came out strong on the other side.Praise Him.I love the way you boke down how hedges are important in our faith and our daily lives.Cheers to good health and a long life.❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you with all my heart, dear TR! I am so incredibly honored that my post should be named among the incredible posts that you have noted in your Community Spotlight! God bless you big time, my fantastic and generous friend! ❤ and huge hugs!! ❤ ❤


  21. Wow, I can only imagine what you have had to walk through. I know God is faithful but I know it was not easy to walk through all of the medical and emotional circumstances surrounding this diagnosis.
    God’s very best to you!

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